To keep your home or property safe, ensure your electrical outlets are working properly. When you need outlet repairs or installations, call us for services in Tuscaloosa, AL.
Electrical outlets help provide conveniences and safety to homes and buildings by providing power to appliances, light fixtures, electronics, and more. But when an outlet malfunctions, it can pose risks to your home and your family’s safety. To prevent possible fires or other dangers, it’s important to repair or replace these devices as soon as possible. When you need repairs or installations, call Premier Service Company, Inc. A family-owned company, we’ve provided quality services to the Tuscaloosa, AL area since 1992.
When your wiring looks frayed, don’t delay before having it inspected by a professional. Learn about our wiring repair and replacement services.
To keep your home safe and up to code, it’s important to install ground-fault circuit interrupters in your home or building near water sources. The biggest benefit to upgrading your outlets to GFCIs is to prevent injury – or even death – from a fire or electrocution caused by water getting into a unit.
Other advantages can include avoiding shocks when plugging in devices and preventing your appliances from being damaged by electrical currents.
If you have an older home that has not yet been upgraded to GFCIs, contact Premier Service Company, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our electricians.
How to Keep Your Electrical Outlets Maintained
You rely on your electrical outlets to provide power to your appliances and keep your home safe.
To keep them functioning properly, it’s important to have these units maintained by doing the following:
Insert plugs gently into outlets to cut down on the wear and tear.
Shut off appliances, fixtures, and devices before unplugging them.
Pull by the plug, not the cord, when unplugging an item from an outlet.
Take caution to not overload a unit with extension cords, appliances, and multi-way plugs.
Schedule an appointment to have an electrical contractor inspect your devices to ensure they are functioning properly, are correctly wired, and are safely grounded.
Quickly get a new look in a room in your house by adding new indoor lighting fixtures. Contact us to learn about our services!
Causes of Common Outlet Issues
It can be dangerous when electrical outlets start to malfunction. Because of this, it’s important to identify problems with a unit as soon as possible.
Some common outlet issues you might encounter that will require professional repairs include:
Short-circuiting: Exposed wiring or loose connections can cause short-circuiting. This can potentially lead to a fire.
Age: If your units are older and have experienced wear and tear, they may need to be replaced.
Faulty installation: Having units installed by someone other than a professional can put the device – and your home – at risk. When you need units replaced, call an electrician to perform the work.
Overloading: Plugging too much into a unit and creating more wattage than the device is able to handle can create a fire risk.